Benefits of Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is a form of self-regulation using electroencelography(EEG). EEG Neurofeedback uses electrical brain recordings to train the brain using audio and visual feedback. Through operant conditioning, the brain learns to perform optimally The benefits of EEG Neurofeedback include:

  • Flow
  • Emotional Resiliance
  • Mental and Sensory Clarity
  • Concentration

Neurofeedback has been used in the clinic for decades to treat mental health disorders. At Unfetter, we think about Neurofeedback as a cognitive fitness tool and perfect complement to mindfulness meditation. Neurofeedback noninvasive tool used to improve attentional skills, concentration, and mental flexibility. Neurofeedback attention skills training can be compared to other forms of skills training. Using a sports analogy, we can compare Neurofeedback to learning to dribble a basketball, hitting a baseball, or putting golf.

The brain is incredibly plastic. At it's core, neurofeedback is focused on regulating the brain's electrical activity which is the base of the body's emotional and behavioral functioning.

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