Maximize Your Cognitive and Attentional Potential

Increase Creativity, Decrease Anxiety, and Experience Flow through Neurofeedback Training

Access Flow States

Achieve flow states, improve creative problem solving, and increase cognitive efficiency.

Build Emotional Resilience

Self regulate emotional systems.

Increase Mental Pliancy

Better reaction times, sensory clarity, greater flexbility between deep restorative calm states and engaged action

  • The Brain is Plastic.

    Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself to form new neural connections throughout life. The brain is able to develop new pathways through repetition and learning new skills. Neuroscientists now understand that the brain has the capability to adapt and develop new living neural connections up until the end of our lives.

    The brain's ability to self-regulate allows us to switch between calmness and alertness with ease.

    “As scientists put it, the brain is plastic, or moldable. Yes, the actual physical architecture of the brain changes based on what happens to us.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

  • What is Neurofeedback?

    Neurofeedback is a type of brainwave training that involves reading electrical activity off an individual's scalp using Electroencephalography(EEG) then feeding the signal back via a computer interface. This enables near real-time monitoring of brain wave activity. The individual is rewarded via an auditory/visual cue when the desired brainwave pattern occurs.

    Neurofeedback is being used for the treatment of ADHD, depression, addiction, insomnia, and trauma. It is also being used in for peak performance in sports, business, science, and the creative arts.

  • How does it work?

    The basic procedure is:
    • 1. Non-invasive electrodes are attached to 2 or more sites on the scalp. The sensors pick up the electrical activity of the brain and display it on a computer monitor
    • 2. The computer program monitors the brainwave activity in real-time and tracks whether it is within the favored frequency thresholds
    • 3. An experienced neurofeedback practitioner guides you through a number of attentional exercises
    • 4. A reward in the form of an auditory or visual cue occurs
    • 5. Progress is monitored through a number subjective and neurophenomenological measures

I hadn’t felt that in a long time and the act of that.. and just thinking that pulled me out of that state. You took me through the relaxation piece and that was critical. That put me in a spot where I could check in. I got to this place, where I try to observe. I notice the spots where there is the tension. Either in my chest and throat. For me before, in golf it would hold me back. I could feel it as it relates to golf. It was almost like the more I observed it, the more I was cleaning it with my awareness. I got to the spot where it was really clean. The translation to golf for me was, you could hit a shot with total freedom. And then for me right now, it was just living life with total freedom. Sitting in a room in a business setting and having absolute freedom. No judgment of self.. No judgment of the situation.. and being able to act totally rationally. It’s this clean feeling. If that’s what beginners’ mind is. I put my awareness on it, then my attention would waver. The sound just became something that was just there.. and it became what was a deep meditation for me.
I feel like after this, I’ll have a way easier time focusing on stuff. Because I know how to get my mind into that state now. I would test that state, leaving.. coming back to that state. Just to see how trustworthy the graph was. With this very tight feedback loop, I can justify sitting for an hour and practicing it. When I’m busy and going about my day it’s hard for me to sit down. It was meditation with a tight feedback loop. I focused on specific body parts, and noticed when I was too tense.


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